Boy it seems like time just flew on by this summer. This summer seemed so more than in the past. I thought I would get a break or that things would slow down some but that never really happened. Now it is time for me to put back into place those organizational systems that work for me when the kids are back in school. Such as:
Morning Routine
1. Set out all of the breakfast bowls, cereals, vitamins, and whatever else you need in the morning to get going.
2. Prepare all school lunches the night before and have lunch boxes all set up on the counter.
3. All clothes get laid out the night before.
4. Shoes and backpacks are at the door. Make sure everyone has their appropriate schedules.
5. Go to bed early to get used to this adjustment.
Weekly Meal Planning
1. Set aside a few minutes of time on the weekend to layout your meal plan for the next week. I coordinate the my meal plan layout right before I go grocery shopping so I can write down any particular food items I might need for the meal plan. This minimizes the surprises during the week and it also helps my husband just in case I am running late at work and he has to help prepare the meal. The plan is right there on the refrigerator. Also, it helps my kids to know what is for dinner on any given night.
2. Do your grocery shopping on the weekend. It is so much more helpful to get that out of the way.
3. Along with the weekly meal plan, I also look over the calendar of events for the week to be sure that everyone knows what everyone is doing and that everyone is taken care of as far as pick ups from school, after school activities, etc.
Do you have any organizational systems that help you throughout the school year? If so what are they?